A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.

-Kurt Vonnegut


Message to Ralph Nader

Behold the strange eloquence of online anonymity.

You know what, Ralph? I agree that the concept of "taking votes away" is, in your words, pernicious (and simplistic). I agree that many of the ideas you articulate are human, relevant, real, and important. I sincerely want them to be part of the national dialouge. And there is so much to be said for forcing "them" to either A: argue against it, or B: get off the pot and make it happen.

From what I've seen of your stance on Obama, you are impressed by his power to bring people together. You generally admire his ethics, and want him to press more fully and powerfully for the issues that, to your mind, he is not pushing for hard enough.

My thought is this: go talk to the man. Tell him what you think. Work with his campaign. Engage his thoughts and - this is the big one - help him become the kind of president that the rest of us know he can be. When you position yourself in opposition to him, the implication to many people is that he opposes your values, whether that is the case or not. By merit of his character and conviction, Barack Obama is the person I want making decisions. But that doesn't mean that -secretly, when no one is watching - I wish that the political environment allowed him to go further. You go further. But you don't survive in election politics.

Don't give up. I really believe you can be of service. You can work with him, speak to him, entrust in his sense of the common man and the strength of your positions to come to a working solution. But now, perhaps, it is time to take a more humble role that what you might wish. Now, Ralph, you have the unique opportunity to cooperatively shape policy with the person this country so desperately needs in the White House. A non-corporate candidate. A human being of principle, who truly appreciates the diversity of the human experience, and will apply his intelligence in the service of his fellow man.

Just recognize this: that man is not you.